Stimulated by the curiosity of discovery, combining with enthusiasm the study paths in the fields of medicine and physics, Ilio (doctor) and Giulio (engineer) created the JAMANI product line, with the aim of improving the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of people.
It is no coincidence that this project took shape in the Borgo, in the mystical Franciscan Umbria, between Assisi and Speco di Narni (the place where ‘Canticle of the Creatures’ was written). This line is, in fact, based on a fundamental principle: the well-being of the human body and its regeneration depend inextricably on his relationship with nature. This is a rule that is anything but esoteric, since solid scientific and empirical data ascertain the positive effects of contact with plants and animals on our health; results of modern biology demonstrate, in fact, that plants and animals contain hidden forces capable – if we open ourselves to them – of guaranteeing our health.
[See the works cited. in Clemens G. Arvay (2018) – e.g. Qing Li/Maiko Kobayashi/Tomoyuki Kawada (2008); Roger Ulrich (1984) – which reports some scientific data (ibd.: 25), including those which highlight how just a long walk in the woods is able to activate and strengthen the human immune system, increasing the number of so-called “natural killer cells” in the blood by 40%: antibody cells of the natural immune system capable of fighting viruses, bacteria and abnormal cellular formations – such as the proliferation of cancer cells.].
How much the scents and aromas in the woods can bring relief to the body and spirit is a common experience; but now we know for sure that forests and trees send beneficial substances to humans. Our immune system has evolved over eons from nature, in nature, and in the interaction with nature (ibd.: 39); for this reason, just for biochemical reasons our correct functioning depends on it.
Our life has always been part of the broader and more natural ecosystem; when we separate from it, we get sick. The right living space for human beings is not made of asphalt and concrete, but of trees, grass, earth, animals and microorganisms. This is where our immune system is “at home”: in a vital organic system full of bioactive plant substances (ibd.: 40).
From this perspective, it seemed natural to us to include in our work a personality like that of Marco Sarandrea, who – in addition to having been Dr. Neiman’s herbal medicine teacher and friend for years – is supported by a long and consolidated tradition and phytotherapeutic knowledge (see online curriculum). Yet, it is not “only” the profound knowledge and experience in the field of herbalism that has allowed us to intertwine our work with that of Prof. Sarandrea.
The importance of the spiritual component for the life and health of human beings is another reason for our collaboration. The herbalist wisdom, in Sarandrea, is not separated from a profound and conscious human spirituality, indeed, it is an integral part of it (just mention the fact that he is an active collaborator in the rebirth of the herbal tradition of Mount Athos in Greece and, also, a teacher at the school of spiritual herbalist in Prato “Ildegarda di Bingen”).
Therefore, far from a scientistic vision, radically materialist and mechanistic, we maintain, in our work, that the cure for a healthy, beneficial, harmonious and conscious life cannot be reduced to a mere chain of chemical and molecular reactions: perception and feeling, the social relationship and with the environment – all these experiences participate in the entire organism.
The second key principle of our work is therefore grafted onto this point: the affirmation of the centrality of the spirit in the life of the human being. A radical materialist and mechanistic
vision of life contrasts, in fact, with the scientific and empirical data of scientists and professionals in the most diverse fields (medicine, physics, psychology and psychiatry, anthropology).
On the basis of these principles – in fidelity to the Hippocratic Oath – the JAMANI line was born, which envisages the development of supplements and creams (phytotherapeutic and homotoxicological), the result of Ilio Neiman’s clinical experience in his last fifteen years of medical profession, supported, as mentioned before, by the wise herbalist experience of Marco Sarandrea and – last but not least – by the experience and professionalism of Giulio Jacaroni.
You can consult Dr. Neiman for: visits, dosage and/or any suggestions via WhatsApp +39 3455182068.